Hotel-lo-Revenue Estratégico
Logo Hotel-lo Revenue Services

Strategic Revenue Management

Your Hotel Asset Management Partner

What does Hotel Asset Management mean?

Hotel Asset Management refers to the management of hotel assets by specialized companies dedicated to maximizing the profitability of a hotel or hotel chain. At Hotel-lo we are specialists in Revenue Management and, thanks to our experience of more than 20 years, we are a trusted partner of investors and owners of hotel assets.

We set clear strategies to improve profitability and verify that they are fulfilled. Guidance, supervision, control, collaboration, ability to solve unforeseen events: all this is part of a successful Hotel Asset Management.

Who can handle Hotel Asset Management?

Many consulting firms and companies offer services related to Revenue Management, but only a few of them can guarantee owners and investment funds that their assets will be managed in the most profitable way.

A wealth of accumulated experience is required to have a long-term vision of the business (hence the name of this service, “Strategic Revenue Management”) and at the same time the capacity to supervise the correct application of the defined strategies.

What is the difference between this service and Revenue Management Outsourcing?

With our Revenue Management Outsourcing service we handle all areas of a hotel’s marketing: Pricing, OTAs, online marketing, etc. In this way, the hotel does not have to allocate internal resources for certain functions that are performed by Hotel-lo. Indeed, we act as the Revenue Management Department of our clients.

The Hotel Asset Management service, on the other hand, involves a close collaboration with the key figures of each hotel, whose role is not replaced, but supported and guided by Hotel-lo.

Strategic Revenue Management service
(Hotel Asset Management) includes:

Strategic approach

Long-term profitability objectives. Positioning, segmentation and pricing.

Data Analysis

Review of accumulated historical data. Detection of trends and opportunities.


Analysis of key industry KPI’s to optimize results.

Continuous optimization

Supervision and management of pricing, inventory, offers, types of rooms, services, etc.

Performance and profitability

Profitability analysis by segment, channel, room type. Regular meetings with the property.


Supervision and integration of the best technological tools: PMS, RMS, BI, etc.

We participate in tenders.
We collaborate with investment funds.
Contact us to receive a detailed offer.